January 30, 2009

Being #1 Matters

According to the leaked AOL data...

#1 position gets 42% of ALL clicks
#2 position gets 12%
#3 position gets 8.5%

(and they go down from there...)
If you aren't #1, you are missing out big time.

Link Building the Right Way :-Here's why it's worth it

we will talk about here :-

Why link building is critical to ranking in Google.
Basic on-page SEO refresher.
Link building theories, myths and facts.
Real world ways to get links.

Relevance Rules:-

Google returns web pages in the order of perceived relevance to a user's search query.

Do you want to rank #1 . Google had better see your page as the most relevant page on the Internet to that phrase.
But how?

How does Google decide relevance?:-

Think like a bot!

On-page stuff (title, meta data, content, H tags, etc.)
keyword usage (proximity, placement, frequency)
Incoming links (anchor text, linking domain quality)
Domain age and history
You certainly can fudge some of this, but not other stuff, so do what you can to be relevant with what you have to work with.

January 27, 2009

Course Detail For SEO and SEM

Course detail are :-

Basics of Internet & Networking
Search Engine Scenario
Site Makeover
Search Engine Strategy
Site Visibility
Search Engine Compatibility
SEO (Don’ts)
Simple SEO Dirty Tricks
Payment Gateways
Online Marketing Scenario
Link Building, Directory Listing, Online Forums
Email Marketing
Social Networking Sites and Marketing
CRM System Management & Marketing
Indexing Pages with Search Engines
Submitting to Directories
More Places to Submit Site
Link Popularity
Link Affiliation
Using Retailers
PPC Marketing
Common Mistakes
Useful Tools

January 22, 2009

Learn SEO (Search engine optimizer)

learn seo
Many people can become completely overwhelmed with the process of optimizing their website. Often times, every change you make leads you to another change you need to make. At times the process begins to seem endless.

One issue that causes this, is trying to focus on too many things at once. Approaching this process one baby step at a time is absolutely vital.

Search Engine Optimizer process in order to do Search Engine Marketing. In this course, details regarding the basic as well as advance levels of Search Engine Optimization will be explained along with basic knowledge of the Internet and search engines. Some Details about networking will also be covered. As a whole, this is the course that you are looking for to learn SEO from scratch and become an expert Search Engine Optimizer.

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