August 11, 2009

Should be +ve on OnPage Factor

"On page" SEO or search engine optimisation is making sure that your website is as search engine friendly as possible.On Page SEO simply refers to the text and content on your web site pages. If your website is not optimized then you have less chance of getting good results in the search engines, here is a quick guide towards good on page SEO
On page optimization is the process by which various elements on an individual web page are structured so that the web page can be found by the search engines for specific keyword or keyword phrases.

The Most Important On Page Optimization Factors

(1)PAGE :

Build web pages that are keyword focused. The page must have a purpose for your visitor. Target two, and at most, three keywords that are related to each other. The closing paragraph of the page should focus on closing the sale, or lead the visitor to read another page on the site.

The page name should be dash separated keywords that describe the content. Don't go crazy and create 10 word filenames.

(2) Content Optimization :

This is a tough one, because you should of course concentrate on your user and easy readability, but you always have to have an eye on the search engines as well.The content should be properly structured with the use of Heading (H1, H2, H3 etc) tags bold containing relevant keywords with keyword proximity,density

(3) TITLE-Tag :

The title should be as short as possible, with the keyword(s) included at the beginning of the sentence (keyword prominence).Separate using comma or dash.

(4) META-Tags :

META-Tags are not as important any more as they used to be.people started using them to spam search engines especially the keyword-tag was heavily used for that.
Nevertheless there are still some important META-Tags you should use:
meta name="description" content=""
meta name=”robots” content=""
/* I will not put HTML tag here because blog spot not allow to do it sorry */

(5)Keywords in ALT tags :

Many suggest that the alt tags on your images should contain your keywords. Be careful. Some search engines see that as spamming. If you do it, don’t over do it.

(6)Unique contents :

Make sure that you have unique content on every single page.

(7) Internal Linking :

Internally link your pages to each other within the content. Make sure that all of your web pages can be indexed by search engines - make sure that they all have at least one link from somewhere on your site.

(8) Validate :

Make sure your pages can be easily indexed and your links can be followed. Validation is fast and free.

(9)Make sure that your web page URLs are SEO friendly, use mod re-write for Linux and Apahche hosting or use IIS redirect for Windows. Ideally make it so that the URLs describe your content

(10)Make sure that there is only one version of your site - 301 redirect all non www. URLs to the www. ones or vice versa.

(11)Make sure that your code is valid, in some instances bad code can lead to search engines not being able to properly read a page. Use the W3C validator to check your markup.

(12) Make sure that there is only one version of your homepage - 301 redirect the index or default page back to

Hey! what u r thinking give comments :)

August 10, 2009

Interview Question & Answer

Keyword Proximity

Keyword proximity refers to how close two or more keywords are to each other. You will achieve higher rankings if you place your keywords close together.

Keyword Density

If the density of a keyword is too low, the search engine will not pay much attention to it. If the density is too high, the search engine may activate its spam filter. If this happens, the page will be penalized and its position in search listings will be deliberately lowered.
The optimum value for keyword density is 5-7%. In the case of keyword phrases

Anchor Tag

This is the HTML tag that will "link" to another site. Visitors clicking on the link will be directed to the other site. There are many options and opportunities to optimize this HTML tag.

Anchor Text

en the anchor tags that users click to get to your site. This is commonly referred to as your Link Title or Site Name.


A method of tracking how many visitors click on a specific link on your site or tracking how many visitors came to your site from an online advertisement.


Cloaking is a black hat technique in which the content presented to search engine spiders or link checkers is different from that presented to the user via their browser.

Google Site Map

A Google webmaster tool to inform Google about URLs on your website that are available for crawling. A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site that you want Google to index.

Interview Question & Answer

Qn : What is Keyword Prominence
Ans : Prominence of your keywords can have an impact on your search engine optimization (SEO). Prominence refers to how relative a keyword is to the beginning of the website. Including your keywords in the title tags that are visible to search engines and in the website title that is visible to visitors are two ways to increase your prominence for a particular keyword. Also, putting header tags around the visible title can make the keywords contained in this title appear more prominent
Keyword Promience means how close to the beginning of the web page, sentence, title, h tag, or Meta description your keywords are placed.
If at all possible, place your most important keyword at the very beginning of the following:
- Title
- Description
- H1 Tag
- The body of the text

July 16, 2009

Wordpress Angry on Squidoo Url

Hello Friends

I want to discuss my experience with you about Wordpress and Squidoo.I want to make aware you about it

Last Couple of days my Wordpress account were get suspended. I have not done anything wrong with their terms and conditions.

So I decided to email them for the support and asked them what was wrong with my blog which is popular in fashion industries

They are helping so repiled me.They mention that I have put squidoo lens links and they are counted as affiliate links. After requesting they have activated my account and I have to remove squidoo links.

I found one new things with them is saying Squidoo Lens URL as affiliate links.

So be careful about Squidoo Link

July 14, 2009

So where do I start

Phases of Linkbuilding


What would a "natural link profile" look like for your site?
Research competitors' links (more on that soon)
Compile list of 'targets' for links.

How will you get your links:

Link baiting, dir submissions, link requests, pay for posts/reviews, articles, write reviews of others, etc.
Many more to be given later.

Follow-up, analyze, be patient.

February 17, 2009

Link Love and Sources of Links

Pages that are linked to by a lot of websites are probably worth reading.

Likewise, if a site that is linked to often links to another site, that site is probably worth reading. Chances are low that the linking site would send their visitors somewhere poor quality intentionally.

Inbound link anchor text is a great indicator of what's on a page to determine relevance.

Sources of Links

Related websites
Social networks
Press releases
News articles

February 16, 2009

Rankings ONLY come once you have:

Rankings ONLY come once you have:
- On-Page Optimization
- Incoming Links (lots and lots)

On-Page SEO Overview

Each page has a theme. Choose a keyword/key phrase and stick to it.
Use your phrase in each:
Title tag
Meta description
Content (bold, italics)
H tags
Image name and alt
Do this methodically to each page on your site.

"But why do links matter so much?"

Because links are the currency of the Internet.

January 30, 2009

Being #1 Matters

According to the leaked AOL data...

#1 position gets 42% of ALL clicks
#2 position gets 12%
#3 position gets 8.5%

(and they go down from there...)
If you aren't #1, you are missing out big time.

Link Building the Right Way :-Here's why it's worth it

we will talk about here :-

Why link building is critical to ranking in Google.
Basic on-page SEO refresher.
Link building theories, myths and facts.
Real world ways to get links.

Relevance Rules:-

Google returns web pages in the order of perceived relevance to a user's search query.

Do you want to rank #1 . Google had better see your page as the most relevant page on the Internet to that phrase.
But how?

How does Google decide relevance?:-

Think like a bot!

On-page stuff (title, meta data, content, H tags, etc.)
keyword usage (proximity, placement, frequency)
Incoming links (anchor text, linking domain quality)
Domain age and history
You certainly can fudge some of this, but not other stuff, so do what you can to be relevant with what you have to work with.

January 27, 2009

Course Detail For SEO and SEM

Course detail are :-

Basics of Internet & Networking
Search Engine Scenario
Site Makeover
Search Engine Strategy
Site Visibility
Search Engine Compatibility
SEO (Don’ts)
Simple SEO Dirty Tricks
Payment Gateways
Online Marketing Scenario
Link Building, Directory Listing, Online Forums
Email Marketing
Social Networking Sites and Marketing
CRM System Management & Marketing
Indexing Pages with Search Engines
Submitting to Directories
More Places to Submit Site
Link Popularity
Link Affiliation
Using Retailers
PPC Marketing
Common Mistakes
Useful Tools

January 22, 2009

Learn SEO (Search engine optimizer)

learn seo
Many people can become completely overwhelmed with the process of optimizing their website. Often times, every change you make leads you to another change you need to make. At times the process begins to seem endless.

One issue that causes this, is trying to focus on too many things at once. Approaching this process one baby step at a time is absolutely vital.

Search Engine Optimizer process in order to do Search Engine Marketing. In this course, details regarding the basic as well as advance levels of Search Engine Optimization will be explained along with basic knowledge of the Internet and search engines. Some Details about networking will also be covered. As a whole, this is the course that you are looking for to learn SEO from scratch and become an expert Search Engine Optimizer.

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